

In this section, you will access to various videos about DVB-S/S2/S2X technology from our experts:

  • What is BISS-CA ? Implementation within VYPER satellite modulator
  • Satellite modulator presentation: SatXpress
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What is BISS-CA ?

Overview of BISS-CA Technology that applies for video content protection. The video introduces the difference between BISS-1 and BISS-2. It provides applications where the BISS-CA technology can be used.

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BISS-CA implementation in VYPER

The video explains in details how to implement BISS-CA within VYPER DVB-S/S2/S2X satellite modulator.

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Introduction to SatXpress

SatXpress is a PCIe board performing High Quality satellite modulation compliant to DVB-S, DVB-DSNG, DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X Standards that can be plugged in any server environment.